According to the doctrine of the Babylonians, earthquakes
and clefts of the earth, and occurrences of this kind, are
supposed to be produced by the influence of the stars,
especially of the three to which they ascribe thunder[1]; and
to be caused by the stars moving with the sun, or being in
conjunction with it, and, more particularly, when they are
in the quartile aspect[2]. If we are to credit the report, a
most admirable and immortal spirit, as it were of a divine
nature, should be ascribed to Anaximander the Milesian,
who, they say, warned the Lacedæmonians to beware of their
city and their houses[3]. For he predicted that an earthquake
was at hand, when both the whole of their city was destroyed
and a large portion of Mount Taygetus, which projected in
the form of a ship, was broken off, and added farther ruin to
the previous destruction. Another prediction is ascribed to
Pherecydes, the master of Pythagoras, and this was divine;
by a draught of water from a well, he foresaw and predicted
that there would be an earthquake in that place[4]. And if
these things be true, how nearly do these individuals approach to the
Deity, even during their lifetime! But I
leave every one to judge of these matters as he pleases. I
certainly conceive the winds to be the cause of earthquakes;
for the earth never trembles except when the sea is quite
calm, and when the heavens are so tranquil that the birds
cannot maintain their flight, all the air which should support
them being withdrawn[5]; nor does it ever happen until after
great winds, the gust being pent up, as it were, in the
fissures and concealed hollows. For the trembling of the
earth resembles thunder in the clouds; nor does the yawning
of the earth differ from the bursting of the lightning; the
enclosed air struggling and striving to escape[6].
1. Saturn, Jupiter and Mars: see the 8th chapter of this book.
2. "Vel quando meant cum Sole in conjunctione cum eo, vel quando
cum eo conveniunt in aspectu, maxime vero in quadrato, qui fit, qunm
distant a Sole quarta mundi sive cœli parte." Hardouin in Lemaire, i.
3. "Ut urbem et tecta custodirent." This anecdote is referred to by
Cicero, who employs the words "ut urbem et tecta linquerent." De Divin.
i. 112.
4. This anecdote is also referred to by Cicero, de Div. ii.
5. It has been observed that earthquakes, as well as other great
convulsions of nature, are preceded by calms; it has also been
that birds and animals generally exhibit certain presentiments of the
event, by something peculiar in their motions or proceedings; this
circumstance is mentioned by Aristotle, Meteor. ii. 8, and by Seneca,
Quæst. vi. 12.
6. It is scarcely necessary to remark, that this supposed resemblance
or analogy is entirely without foundation. The phænomena of
earthquakes are described by Aristotle, De Mundo, cap. 4, and Meteor.
ii. 7 and 8; also by Seneca in various parts of the 6th book of his
Qusest. Nat.